Quite simply, I love you.

I’ve been a busy bee! So much seems to have happened that I have a feeling this might be a rather long post. Hence my extended absence – for which you have my most humble apologies. I have some very exciting news but I’m going to see if I can hold out telling you until I reach the end…

So last weekend myself and Pete travelled up to Bristol to go and celebrate Danni’s birthday. I don’t think the weekend could have gone any better! Pete seemed to get on well with the boys and they all played FiFA and watched the racing whilst me and the girls sat in the other room getting ready. I am a little astounded as to how the group seemed to gel. I had such a lovely time. The girls loved Pete and kept commenting on how happy we seemed to be and mentioned how much I had changed. I feel more calm and content than I have ever before. I don’t think I have ever been this blissfully happy in a relationship.

It was great to spend some time with the girls and it was so nice to be able to do a bit of shopping whilst gossiping. I have missed them so much and it’s only when we are back together that I realise I need to put more effort into seeing them! I am hoping to go up to Danni’s with Pete next month and then I will travel to see Clee… she’ll either be in Bristol or Oxford. We got plenty of pictures and once Clee pulls her finger out her ass I will be putting them up in frames! Also, if you ever end up in Bristol on a night out you have… HAVE to go to Illusions. I’m not sure if it was the alcohol or the happiness fuzz, but that place has the best magicians ever. Imagine cocktails and magic mixed together? Epic. No one could figure out how he was doing the tricks… worth a visit for sure!

The next day I had a day off work to spend with Carly. I went round her house early and after we managed to climb out of her bed again we ventured to Street. After lots of car singing and dancing we arrived to find we had enough change to park for an hour. I always seem to do this. I need to be better at my forward planning! So after a quick dash in to get more change for the car park we decided we were too hungry for shopping so sat in Frankie and Bennies for the biggest carb fest I have ever had in my life. Garlic dough balls, spaghetti Bolognese and a side order of fries, cheese and bacon. I have never felt so fat in all my life. I don’t think I was hungry until about two days later. After Street I was forced to watch Father of the Bride. Apparently one of the girl movies you are supposed to have seen. I enjoyed it don’t get me wrong – but things like that always make me wonder who will walk me down the aisle. A slight sad edge to what should be a happy film.

Since then I’ve been at work. And now for the exciting news… I’m moving in with Pete! I know it’s totally crazy and so fast but I already feel like I’ve been with him forever and we practically live together anyway! The start of the decision to move started with my current house creeping and stressing me out. For one thing it didn’t feel like home. And I am totally fed up with not feeling like I’m home when I walk through a door. Which is something I have been missing for about two years now. Walking into that door with Pete behind it will feel like home. It is crazy how much I love that boy and how much I just want him to be happy. I find myself agreeing to things that I would never have done before just so he’s happy and it puts a smile on his face. Ladies… I have agreed that he can have a Man Cave instead of me having a walk in wardrobe?! WHY on earth did I do that?! And the worst thing… I don’t even regret it. I actually don’t mind. What has happened to me?! I believe the plan is to save hard for 15 months so we can buy our own place. The one thing I am going to try to persuade him to is a house though. I fail to see the point in buying an apartment that we will want to move out of in a few years. It doesn’t make sense to me. I would rather buy a house and know I can stay there. Yes Pete… JUST IN CASE I’m lucky enough to have children. Which apparently he does not want. Currently just ignoring that.

So I already have a few bits at his house and tonight I have a girly evening with Carly to pack up the rest of my clothes and accessories. I am only keeping my bookcase, which will be my own little corner in his room… and I will be trying my hardest not to take over his room. I don’t want him to feel like it’s not his anymore. I’m quite nervous and I so, so do not want to ruin this. His parents and family have been so kind to me I nearly cried at the dinner table the other day. I actually did cry the next day when I was explaining it to the girls. I have never been made to feel so comfortable and welcomed in a home – even when I moved back in with my mother. In fact it’s making me want to cry now.

All of this has made me even more sure that I have done the right thing cutting off my mother. I don’t need her negative influence and the more I think about it the more I think I should have done it years ago. How I didn’t see through her lies and schemes I will never know.

To end on a positive note I am trying a new takeaway tonight at the insistence of Carly – Sabeez. Haven’t got a clue what it is but if I die at least I’m dying happy!

Later Lovers. xoxo